Monday, November 19, 2012

Autumn semester finished.

The last classes and final exams have all finished. I experienced a lot of new things in the term.

First, I wrote two essays in ELA class. One was about Khazar Empire and the other was about Neanderthals. Those were so challenging for me but made me accustomed to writing in English.

Second, It was first time for me to program by C language (and programming itself) and was pretty hard for some reasons, but i enjoyed programming. In the future I want to try programming and make some systems, for example game programming of Khazars. (:  

Third, I learned Linear algebra. Mathematics is not knowledge but activity (; ;  I am not Wittgenstein.

Forth, I constantly read a book of Wataru Hiromatsu with Tagen and Shigma and finally finished most of it. We thought about concept and cognition. I wonder what kind of book is good in the next term.

As a whole, I enjoyed them !

During autumn vacation, I am going to play the guitar a lot and prepare for Winter term.
Personally speaking, I will keep observing myself and other people and finding the best way.